Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Sayonara - II

Sayonara - A hard word to utter for all souls on all departures (either permanent or temporary).

II - because I spoke it for the second time this year.

AB left for long term onsite deputation in January. Today, HS bid adieu as he joins his new job in Delhi from tomorrow...

Both - college buddies; first roomies - with whom I spent these 3 years away from home...

But, all's well in Timbuktu and hope I have some +ve blogs next time round...
Life's expected to be better...

Saturday, July 16, 2005

Turmoil in wonderland

Lost a friend today... Not in a mood to say anything more right now.

Just wish that we are able to patch things up and continue the journey of life with fond memories of the cherished moments... and one day are able to rise above the nitty-gritty hassles of our existence and re-establish the bond of friendship...
This blog is dedicated to PC

Monday, July 11, 2005

Weekend @ Home

Every weekend since the past 3 years, I witnessed colleagues, friends in Bangalore visiting their homes for the weekend as if they are sleeping over @ a friends place for the night.

Hail the 'no-frills' airlines !!

It was because of them (rather SpiceJet in this case) that for the first time since I went into exile from my home-town that I was able to visit my family on the weekend in a similar fashion.

The trip was great. Met my maternal grandparents, my parents, my younger brother, cousins and an old friend of mine (RB). She was lost in time due to her getting busy after her marriage and me getting busy in building my career.

Feels like heaven to be around people you 'know'. Hope these trips can be repeated at greater frequency in the coming days...

Sunday, July 03, 2005

Weekend blues

Sunday, sitting in office. Celebrating the end of another week in a techie's life @ the cyber-city of India - Bangalore.

Listening to 'Woh Lamhey' and composing this blog. What a life !!

Life, as I know it - is in a state of utter misconduct by self. Seems stagnant. Devoid of a motive. Shouldn't harbor such emotions but as they say - an empty mind's a devil's workshop.

Monday, the gas cylinder @ the flat conked-off ; To add fuel to fire, we (Me and my flat-mate HS) forgot the customer code required to book a new one. So started a long-forgotten hunt / scramble for dinner. 5 nights scavenging for outlets to gulp something down before hitting the sack.
Went to the gas outlet yesterday and booked one manually. Was supposed to be delivered today morning but...

Yesterday, HS left for Delhi for a job interview. Wish him the best to get a shift to our hometown. He was supposed to arrive yesterday night but the interview extended and so the flight left without him in it. Now, he's arriving on Monday morning...

So got another weekend of solitude... Frankly, used to enjoy the stints of loneliness in the yesteryears of my life, but now is a different story altogether... Maybe have undergone a psychological shift...

Visited my relatives yesterday... Had a simple home-cooked luncheon. Over-stayed and enjoyed an afternoon nap there too. Small things, but priceless for out-station beings like me.

Hope the next week is more eventful than this one. Going home for the weekend so should be fun.