Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Life @ Doldrums

Life’s a bitch, a hard task-master, an unending labyrinth where sorrows far outweigh joys, the pitfalls outnumber sweet surprises and friendships have a greater risk of turning to dead relationships or worse bitter enmities.

“Just when I was out, they pulled me right back in…” a quote from Godfather, explains how the beings of the world operate. Just when you think that life is getting along peacefully with no worries in the near distant future; life, people, circumstances, situations throw up a bouncer… Irony of life is that, it teaches you to handle the bouncers also, although it entirely depends how fast you learn.

God! Have mercy! Let your creatures enjoy a life of peace.

On other fronts - They say friendships made in college last a lifetime… Either the prophecy is wrong or the significance has been eroded in time… I say this still with the belief that I will be proved wrong…

Life moves on.

Let me take this opportunity to introduce KS (not the one I think you are guessing :) ). A batch-mate when I had joined the firm. She’s one sensible gal. Was in Munich for the last year and half. Returned to homeland last week. Saw snaps of the palaces / architectural wonders of Europe. Am amazed at the grandeur, the opulence...

Plan to give the GMAT this year. But to my utter disappointment, no dates are available as of now.

And so passes another week.

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