Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Happy Birthday Bike

One year back, on this day I purchased myself a Honda bike. The first vehicle from my own hard-earned money. I celebrate today missing the grip and the thrill I used to get by riding it...

Used to be great fun driving it around in the dark nights in the cool breeze. Getting drenched on it in the rain... A black beast tamed only by me, till a few months back. Had to part with it when I moved to US...

Memories keep me connected to it, as I plan to get myself a 4-wheel drive here... My first drive on it, the long excursions to scenic places... It too remembers the 1st female who sat on its seat ;) The 1st hard-brake it made on the same trip... ;) The speed with which it used to roam the roads of BLR...

Now, the bike is enjoying the Delhi weather... in the hands of my brother PB.

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