Monday, September 29, 2008

Time gone by ...

Circa 1998... out of school, taking the first steps into the college life... Seems like yesterday, seems likes ages ago. Meeting a new set of people other than the chosen and cherished few within the confines of the school walls. From being a kid, turning into a young adult.

Circa 2002... out of college, taking the first steps into the professional life... Stepping into the corporate world as one of the 'worker ants' from among the millions in the ant-hill... Learning the ropes as a baby learns to crawl, talk, walk... From being a minor to an adult.

Circa Sep 2008- 10 years since school ended, 6 years into the rat-race of the urban world, I prod on... Sure of the friends I made, the acquaintances I keep, the names I remember, the faces I miss, the bonds I cherish, the places I travel... but, still unsure of where my destination lies.

It's been a roller-coaster of a decade, filled with laughs, tears; of moments of anguish, pleasure; beautiful memories, ugly situations; bad decisions, good riddance; of wishes that came true, of desires that went down the drain...

Looking back at the time gone by, feels how much I have changed from that boy who stepped out of the confines of school, of college, of home... and even though the rebellion in me always wanted to be out in the open... the child, the boy, the kid in me still yearns to return to it even today...

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