Friday, September 16, 2005

Change is the only constant

Still remember the days when I used to chat with friends into the wee hours of the morning...
Talking about any and every thing 'under the moon' ... life, future plans, probable girl-friends, people etc. etc. Discussing strategies for succeeeding in life. Having a ball of a time together and not feeling the pinch of staying away from home.
How times change... and with time, change people. I changed a lot since I left my home. They changed a lot since they left their home. People mature, people grow out of relationships... but somewhere in my heart I believe that friends remain there for each other...
Read a blog of one of my pals, get the feeling that something's not right in his part of the world with him... and though he still tries to remain ecstatic and playful towards life, I know he's just pretending. Just wish him fast and full recovery... and just want him to know that even though we might not have been in touch for long, he still is my friend.
Let's not make distance the excuse for not keeping in touch ...
This blog is dedicated to the spirit of eternal friendship...

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