Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Ganpati Bappa Maurya

Today was a break from work on account of ‘Ganesh Chaturthi’ – the birth day of Lord Ganesha. Did nothing unusual. Had to meet up with my brother RB and his fiancée for lunch, but the rain played spoil-sport. Just as I was about to leave for the rendezvous, it started pouring heavily. Called up my brother and cancelled the meet.

One of my cousin sisters, GB, who got married last December and is expecting in February next year, had come down to visit her parents (my maternal aunt and uncle). Went to meet them and stayed over for dinner. FYI... was the 1st brother to visit her after marriage @ her in-laws place in Chennai. She’s gone into a good family. Am really happy for her. She’s got a caring husband and sweet in-laws.

Returned in the nick of time, as it has again started raining heavily. Later, KS came over to show me some snaps from Germany. Europe is actually quite scenic, is what I gathered from the snaps. A must-visit for all the die-hard romantics or honey-mooners (as conveyed by another friend of mine PB currently visiting Amsterdam and places around)

Day after is the release of a movie whose theme is based on a live-in relationship - an entirely new concept being introduced to the hoi polloi in India. Coincidently, I had a discussion on the same topic with PB yesterday. She’s been brought up in a highly conservative family in India.
Her value systems are archaic compared to the current global culture emerging over the globe.
Am not criticizing or analyzing things here, but just stating the facts matter-of-factly. Tried easing the culture shock she’s experiencing on her trip. Don’t know whether I did the right thing – as in whether I had the right to influence her, but I did it with a feeling of righteousness…

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