Thursday, September 29, 2005

Happy 3rd B'day to myself ...

Sep 30, 2002 - the day I joined my current company; my first company; my then dream company, as an employee for the first time in my professional life... and embarked on this new phase in my life.
The journey's been eventful. It's taught me many things. Some the easy way, some the hard. Am still learning many. All in all, I have enjoyed it a lot.
Joined in a batch of approx 250 freshers. People just out of college. Most of them relocating for the first time, away from their families, to work. The minds were fresh, the minds were inquisitive. The minds were a bit timid. Time taught us all to be bold, to be un-afraid, to face the realities of life without support. Just as a baby learns to walk, we too, mastered the ropes. Won't say that we are now the black-belts of the game, but yes, we are much more aware of things than we were then.
3 years have passed. Life has changed. Life is stagnant...
Still, the event calls for celebrations. But, alas, there's no one to party with. None to even share this moment with. Is this life?
Life's expected to be better...

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